Co-Presenting Program

The Co-Presenting Program is a fresh and innovatice program for presenters to cooperate and reduce risk when presenting music concerts in Canada. Artists vary from market to marekt and includes inaccessible forms of new music in popular genres influenced by the sounds and cultures of Canada and of the world.

If you are a Canadain presenter and interested in this program, please reach out for more informaiton.

CoPresenting Program
 Canada Spotlight

Canada Spotlight Initiatives

In addition to our other events and initiatives, we have begun to organize Canada Spotlight missions to various music industry events around the world.

If you are a Canadian artist or industry professional and planning to attend any international conferences, we welcome you to get in touch! Please here for more information.

Presenting Networks Initiative

Our Presenting Network Initiative is a new collaborative project that will strengthen and support music presenting and cooperation among music presenters. These affinity group networks will build stronger and more viable touring routes; share market information and best practice; and reduce risk for presenters while creating more sustainable touring careers for artists. The entire professional touring ecology, including presenters, venues, clubs, promoters, agents, managers, and industry service consultants will benefit from the facilitation of information capturing, cooperation, and relationship development among various groups.

Presenting Network Initiative’s potential for sustainable touring is untapped.

Click here for more information and learn how to get involved.

Presenter Network